Focused on Your Fields


From Start to Finish

From the time you select seed all the way through harvest, the agronomy team at Farmers Co-op Elevator is ready to help.

We are a a full-service agronomy cooperative in the Texas South Plains offering agronomic services and an extensive line of seed brands, fertilizer, and crop protection products. 
We know local soils, and we’ll come to your farm to map out your strategy for the year. Whenever needed, we’ll bring in agronomists from Winfield United and Delta Pine to get their advice. 
Contact one of our sales agronomists, and let’s talk about how we can benefit your operation.

Tara Riddle - (806) 891-0795

Edgar Chaves- (806) 436-5347

Jack Caviness- (806) 894-8505

Our Facilities

We have retail agronomy sales at our locations in Levelland and Littlefield, and we have options for delivery or on-site pick up. We try to keep a well-stocked supply of products, so it’s available when you need it. If it’s not immediately available, we’ll get it in short order.

   Crop Inputs

Crop Protection Products

Farmers Co-op Elevator sells bulk and packaged crop protection products from all the major manufacturers, and we work with their buying programs to get you every dollar you’re entitled to receive.  
We feature Winfield United products, and our knowledgeable staff will help recommend the right product for your needs. 
The general product categories we offer include: 
We have paraquat and glyphosate in bulk, and deliveries are available as well.


Look to us for recommendations on the seed that will perform best in your fields. We know local fields, and we’ll help select new or tried-and-true varieties that will work best in our area.
We sell seed for cotton, grain sorghum and corn from our Levelland and Littlefield locations. Choose from bags or totes, or we can load into seed tenders.

Seed Brands

Fertilizer & Application

Farmers Co-op Elevator offers a full line of macro- and micronutrients for your crops. We also offer expertise in new technologies that improve soil health and enhance the effectiveness of traditional fertilizers.  
Liquid and dry fertilizer is available for pickup, or we can apply it for you. We also can deliver directly to your farm. 

Cotton Nutrient Program

Our proprietary fertilizer program delivers nutrients when and where plants need them.  
The program includes two private-label fertilizer options that can go through drip systems or be sprayed from an airplane:  
    • EruPt™ is a macro-micronutrient foliar package that delivers phosphorus directly to the plant through irrigation. This liquid fertilizer boosts plant growth during critical or high growth periods, prevent damage due to weather and correct nutrient deficiencies. 
    • ReKoop™ is foliar applied to prevent or correct nutrient deficiencies that may limit crop growth and yields. It provides the most efficient foliar potassium source that is readily available for plant use.


   Ag Technology

Look to us for the latest technology to reveal field variability and target crop inputs to where they will be best used.  

We can also help you get started with Precision Planting and variable-rate technology. We’ll help you make sure systems are compatible or convert your equipment to utilize new technology. If additional expertise is needed, we have access to Winfield United experts.  

R7 Tool

We are experts in this tool from Winfield United. It provides in-season maps, variable-rate maps, and a field monitoring tool that shows if a field is trending up or down in comparison to other fields. It utilizes satellite data collected numerous times each week and compares the field to other fields planted within the same maturity and planting window.

Climate Fieldview

Climate Fieldview’s goal is to put all your data in one place. You can collect data including in-season images, weather, planting, spraying, soil sampling, harvest, and fertilizer as-applied all in one place and then break the data down into usable information. We can also upload all your grid sampling data to give you additional insights into your fields. With all this data in one place, we can make better decisions to drive the profitability of your operation.

Impact Rx

Part of the Advanced Acre® Rx program by WinField® United, Impact Rx uses the quality data and Answer Plot insights from our program to help farmers mitigate risk and maximize their ROI potential when making specific management decisions like which fungicides to apply and when.

Financing programs

We provide financing from SECURE, John Deere, Rabo, and FarmFlex. Please talk to an agronomy sales representative to find the right fit for your operation based on requirements of the financing option.

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Winfield United SECURE Financing

Operating loans from traditional ag lenders are based on financial factors, not yield potential. As a result, they often lend only up to the amount of insured production for operating loans, which can leave growers short the dollars needed to farm most profitably. SECURE by WinField United supplements bank loans with low-cost, fixed-rate financing. It requires no collateral up to $500,000. This makes the loan “unsecured,” so there is no lien on grain or land.  

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John Deere

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Rabo AgriFinance

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Farm Flex